Frequently Asked Questions
Question: What's the requirement of the paper format?
Answer: Please click on "Papser Submission"to download the template.

Question: What's the limit for page counts?
Answer: Normally we expect the paper at least 5 pages. If the paper exceeds 5 pages, the extra fee will be required.

Question: How many papers can be submitted by each account?
Answer: Each account could handle 5 papers at most.

Question: What's the discount policy ?
Answer: There is no discount whether you participate in the conference or not.
Publication + More
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering
Online ISSN: 1757-899X
Print ISSN: 1757-8981
Index by: Ei Compendex, CPCI-S(ISTP), CNKI, Scopus, Inspec, etc.
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IOP:MSE Indexing
Contact US + More
Tel: +86-13310186519
WeChat: 13310186519
Secretary: Dr. Zhao
Important Date + More
Final Paper Submission Due: Nov. 10, 2018
Accept. Notification: 7 days after submission
Conference: November 10-11, 2018
Conference History
Keynote Speakers
Prof. Antonio Apicella
Prof. Antonio Apicella
Affiliation: Second University of Naples, Italy
Topic: New biomimetic hybrid nanocomposi...